The Game: Zaid Shawwa

Mar 19 - Apr 12, 2022

There is fundamental similarity between life and games. By definition, a game is a sequence of events that lead to an end, governed by laws and rules, controlled by limitations of skill and chance, just like life, we live it, knowing that no matter how much we try,  there is still an unpredictable part that could change the game, and that no matter how long the game lasts, it will finally come to an end.

In this project, “The  Game”, I structure my compositions and portray my figures in a way that shows we are all the same in the game of life, we share the same dreams, the same fears, and we all have the same set of choices, and probably the same destination, only the journey differs. We may think that we play the game, little do we know that we are the toys and the tools of the game.