Ayyad Alnimer and Mohammad Dohaidel: Ayyad Alnimer and Mohammad Dohaidel

Apr 9 - 25, 2016

About Ayyad Al Nimer:
Born and raised in Egypt, Alnimer graduated from his bachelors program with honors from the Fine Arts Academy in Cairo and soon after graduation, he relocated to Jordan with his wife to begin his career as an artist. Alnimer relocated to the United States in 1989, but has stayed in touch with the Middle East through multiple exhibitions across Jordan, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Abu Dhabi, as well as in North American and European countries such as, Britain, France, Holland, and Spain. His work can be seen at the National Museum of Jordan. Alnimer currently resided in the United States where he has exhibited in New York, Palm Beach Florida, Washington DC, Carmel, and San Francisco. As such, he is one of the leading artists in Jordan, being recognized as having impacted the revival of art through teaching the next generation of artists for ten years, and becoming a published author of works concerning art education.About Mohammad Dohaidel:
Born in Iraq in 1975, he studied graphic design and later his skill developed into an abstract expression of color and emotion that engulfs his canvases and creates new life on fabric.
Dohaidel is a member of the Jordanian Plastic Artists Association. And has participated in many local workshops and group exhibitions. He was the general Manager for Styles Art Gallery for the period 2011 – 2014. Assistant Manager in Orient gallery for the period 2006 – 2010. He received the first place award for best creative artwork at the Philadelphia university of Jordan. His work is displayed at the Yinchuan Mesuam of Contemporary Art (MOCHA YINCHUAN) in the very contemporary Jordan section.