Letters in motion: Hamza Bounoua

Oct 6 - 26, 2018

Everything on earth is on movement even if it seems to us stable but in reality it is in an autonomous and internal movement, as well as in a rotational movement with the Earth and the movement of the index of life in the creatures.


These cosmic movements make everything in the existence move and change in a continuity. The movement is characterized by a great romance, the combination of these motions with light breaks through the material (i.e., the forms) to reveal its essence. In this case the integration (merge) of the movement is a fundamental part of me, and it contains two ideas one is in relation with change and the other in relation with time.


- I will try to link the formative work with the movement directly by adopting the language of contemporary art using new materials such as plastic glass and formulations of innovative and integrated concept of time dimensions and its protracted and continuous movement.


And this consist on my research on the core of the internal rhythm of the character without being affected by the same form to produce the soundless movement, produced through the Generation process between the shape of a character and the shape of the other one, When two shapes overlap in the same structure they produce a third form and this generates the autonomous and internal movement of the structure of composition which has a visual movement produced from shapes and colours also, and the contrast of colour generates a third colour for example, and this is what we mean by the concept of our exhibition the Letters in Motion.