0 Horizon: Hind Nasser

Dec 2 - 30, 2019

My quest embraced zero horizon, where human perception can travel into no time or place.

Such a journey, I believe, is a variant of our own, one where we create our own reality and that hovers between fantasy and reality, and carries one into a parallel universe.

The works raise more questions than give answers about the origins, the beginnings, the infinite, the quintessential, life, my life …

 Do they touch the essence, do they pass by it? Do they possess it or fully embody it? Do they unfold the soul?


My works might reveal some answers. They may elicit introspection and contemplation. Or they might simply be taken as aesthetic projections of my state of mind.

 Whatever the case, they are merely one more station on the journey of life, which is in constant change. As are we.

 Let’s take the ride and try to listen to the music of life.

 Hind Nasser